Here are my entries for the "A is for Art" competition on Minted. The brief was for personalizable art prints for children. I had lots of fun doing these, based on motifs from some older pattern designs of mine, and I think they worked out well. Hope that you have fun looking at them as well! Please vote for them if you like them! Voting is open until Monday, August 31.
First up there are three prints to give as gifts to the parents of a newborn child:
Please vote for my "Butterfly Wishes" here!
Here's the link to vote for my "Bunny Welcome"…
And here's three more prints for a boy's room – although I think the pirates would work for a girl as well. As a girl I would have loved to be a pirate princess!
This link leads to the voting for my "Animal Pirates"!
Please go here to vote for the big "Space Adventure" …
… and if you like this fearless knight go here for voting!
And please don't forget to vote as well for my submission to the Fabric 8 contest "Botanical sketchbook"! My pattern got me into the semifinals :-) and I would LOVE to go on further!
You can vote here until September 2, 2015.
(One more to come … more about that one next week …)